Seahull Commercial Cat Motor Cat

1 owner, low usage
US$20,000.00 (Approx £15,414)
  • Boat REF#  ·  324072
  • LOA  ·  4.20m
  • Year  ·  2018
  • Construction  ·  Foam core
  • Underwater profile  ·  Planing
  • Engine  ·  1 x petrol 50hp, Yamaha (2018)
  • Lying  ·  Antigua
Boatshed Antigua
Boatshed Antigua
Jessica De Jesus

Extra Details

Designer Stephen Snedden
Builder Sea Hull
Lying Antigua
Fuel capacity 20.0 ltr (4.4 G) Total - 1 Tanks


Engine 1 x petrol 50hp
Engine make and model Yamaha (2018)
Engine Hours engine1= 11
Engine Cooled Direct
Steering Wheel
Drive outboard
Prop(s) 3 Balde Alloy
Fuel consumption (approx) Not Recorded


LOA 4.20m
Beam 1.80m
Draft Min 0.45m
Draft Max 0.80m
Storage Dry sailed/Boat lift

Electrical Systems

12 volt battery, 1 batteries charged by: engine


Construction Foam core
Underwater profile Planing
Finish Paint finish

Deck Gear

Swim Ladder

1 anchors
(Grapnel )
3.00m of chain
20.00m of warp

Nav Equipment


Broker's Comments

This little Seahull motor cat has spent the majority of its life on its lift, with infrequent trips out. When it has been off the lift, the owners have thoroughly enjoyed the time on the water, whether it was a short trip to the beach, a bit of light tackle fishing, or water skiing with the grandkids.

This is a boat that will keep the smiles coming.

Offers on the listed price are welcome.
Further details on the boat are available through signed contract with us.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Owners FAQ's

How long have you owned the boat for?

5 Years

Why are you selling her?

No longer needed

Where have you sailed her?

Mostly on the west coast of Antigua

Where the particulars herein give details of a boat, whether new or used, they are intended to give a fair description of the vessel but are not guaranteed as accurate or complete. They shall not form part of any offer or contract for the sale of the vessel. The prospective purchaser is recommended to independently check the particulars and the vessel. The vendor is not selling in the course of a business unless otherwise stated. Personal property is excluded from the sale of the vessel unless specifically included in the listing specification above or in a purchase contract. Personal property may be equipment or gear not permanently attached to the vessel including but not limited to: artwork, entertainment equipment, fishing equipment, TV receivers, recreational equipment, kayaks, tools, and personal appliances. Photos that may incidentally depict owners' personal property do not convey that such items are included in the sale of the vessel unless such items are specifically listed herein. At all times, where the particulars herein give details of a new boat and/or a new boat to be supplied/built by a builder/manufacturer, or a boat to be chartered, via our introduction, we do not guarantee or assume responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of any information offered by third-party companies in respect thereof including without limitation new boat builders/manufacturers, charter companies and/or companies/businesses which are ‘Friends of Boatshed’. We shall not be responsible for, or party to, any transactions, contracts or agreements between you and such third-party providers of products or services and it is incumbent upon you to verify such details direct with such entities and contract with them at your sole discretion and on terms that you agree.